There is definitely a craze around essential oils. There are those who believe that they have medicinal powers, those who just love the smell and those who think its a crock of $#!&. I have stood in all three camps at different times in my life, but I am always drawn back in.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the ”Essence” (scent, flavor) extracted from plants using a distillation process or mechanical processes like cold pressing. It takes a whole lot of a plant to create a small amount of the therapeutic oil. These oils are then bottled in dark glass to protect the oil from light exposure which can weaken the effectiveness.
What are Essential Oils Used For?
Essential oils are mainly used in aromatherapy, which is more than just smelling something. Think about your favorite memory as a child. Is there a smell? Sometimes I will catch the scent of something, like perfume and it takes me back to a time when that was a part of my life. It can recreate the emotions of that time.
Or have you ever used a mint or sour candy for nausea? That is one of the best tricks for morning sickness when you are pregnant, along with acupressure techniques. What about lavender in a relaxing bath or lotion? People use aromatherapy more than they realize, even if they aren’t essential oil believers.
“Inhaling the aromas from essential oils can stimulate areas of your limbic system, which is a part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell, and long-term memory. Interestingly, the limbic system is heavily involved in forming memories. This can partly explain why familiar smells can trigger memories or emotions. The limbic system also plays a role in controlling several unconscious physiological functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. As such, some people claim that essential oils can exert a physical effect on your body.” –Healthline
How Are Essential Oils Used?
Essential oils are not to be consumed, but are often used in a diffuser to spray into the air or topically in a carrier oil to be absorbed into the skin. One of my very favorite oils to use is peppermint. I’ve mentioned my migraines in previous posts and this has become one of my favorite ways to battle all kinds of headaches. Taking just a drop of oil into my hands with about 1/4 tsp of coconut oil can be magic! I dab it at my temples, along my sinuses and at the base of my skull to feel tangible pain relief. It’s like taking an icy breath on a hot day. There are a million recipes for just about every affliction.
I began using oils on my children a few years ago to see if it had an effect on behavioral issues at the time. Children have a lower tolerance based on size, just like any other medicine, so I waited until they were about 4. Some people use oils on infants, but I am afraid to use them on a child that young. Some scents help with focus and concentration, so I have even diffused them for husband when he needs to buckle down with work or school. My kids love the Plant Therapy kids roll-ons, specifically, Sniffle Stopper and Nighty Night, for bed time.
My top 5 favorite oils:
Peppermint– aids in digestion, relieves tension/headaches, and boosts energy.
Lavender– relaxation
Tea Tree– fights infection and builds immunity.
Eucalyptus– Relieves congestion, aids in relaxation
Chamomile– improves mood and relaxation.
Benefits of Using Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used form thousands of years for treatment of stress and pain relief, digestion, detoxification, improved sleep, mood boosting, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties among many other ailments. Scientific studies are, unfortunately, lacking. However, anecdotal evidence is strong and science is catching up.
Essential oils are found in many products simply because they smell good. We know that man-made fragrances are endocrine disruptors and can cause a host of health issues, so we are seeing a huge surge in products making the switch. Products from Seventh Generation and Mrs. Myers are some of my favorite and widely available at most stores.
4 Easy ways to incorporate essential oils into your everyday life:
- Add a few drops to your next dryer load. Just dab onto a cloth, a sock or a dryer ball for a fresh scent.
2. Diffuse a few drops of your favorite oil or blend in a defuser.
3. Swab your counters, doorways, windows, wherever, with peppermint oil to discourage ants in the warmer weather.
4. Add 20 drops of oil to 2 cups vinegar and 1 cup water in a spray bottle and use as a multi-purpose cleaning spray.