4 Summer Essential Oil Swaps

Every spring I try to stock up on products that we use during the summer months, but more and more I have moved away from the mainstream drug store brands and started making my own.  Not only is it usually cheaper, it’s also way better for our bodies.  Try these essential oil recipes for summer instead of the toxic and expensive drug store brands.

Essential Oil Recipe for Bug Repellent

I have only ever allowed bug spray on one of my children one time.  They were headed on their first camping trip and the scout leader highly recommended bug spray.  I bought the spray and I packed the spray and I spent all weekend hoping there was no need for it.  I’m not sure it was ever used, but it got tossed when they got home and I made my own safer version for the next trip.

I4 oz spray bottle

2 oz Witch Hazel

5-10 drops peppermint

5-10 drops lavender

10-15 drops citronella

10-15 drops tea tree

10-15 drops lemongrass

Shake well to combine before each use. This is safe to use on ages 6+

Essential Oil Recipe for Hand Sanitizer

I am admittedly a bit of a germophobe and have used far too much sanitizer in my life, especially since 2020. I started reading about what was in hand sanitizer and the actual effectiveness on things like the stomach bug. I decided to swap out the store-bought version and make these recipes. Keep this in your purse or car so it’s handy on your next snack break at the park or beach.

In a pump or spray bottle add:

¼ cup real aloe vera gel or liquid

8 drops lavender

8 drops tea tree 

Fill the remaining space with water

Tee tree and lavender both have antimicrobial properties and make them a great combo for fighting germs and bacteria. 

If you are in a situation where you need something stronger (like a stomach flu rampages through your home), you can also add ½ cup 70% rubbing alcohol. For ages 6+

Essential Oil Recipe for Poo Pourie

I was skeptical about this product, but it works! I don’t like the idea of praying and flushing it down the toilet frequently or paying for it, but it is nice for trips to other homes or to have in the bathroom when guests are over.

In a 4 oz spray bottle add:

1 tsp rubbing alcohol

30 drops of your choice of essential oil

Fill the remaining space with water

Essential Oil Recipe for Ant Repellent

4 oz Spray bottle

20 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Fill with water

Once the entry point is identified, clean the area to remove any residue that may be attracting the ants. Then you can either spray along the entry or spray enough onto a few cotton balls so that they are damp. This will deter the ants from entering the area. This may need to be applied Pa to 4 times per day.
warning: peppermint oil is very strong and can damage surfaces. I like to use the cotton ball method and place them outside the entry point, if possible.

For example: ants like to come in under our patio door and march right up the cabinet and over to the sink. I place 2 or 3 damp cotton balls outside the door so that our floors aren’t damaged.

I hope that you enjoy these easy and inexpensive swaps for summer essentials!