Get Cozy With These Fall Essential Oil Blend Recipes

The time has come! Fall is just days away and it’s time to hunker down in your coziest cozies with our warm drinks and fuzzy blankets. I live for this. One of my favorite ways to create a fall ambiance is with scent. Did you know that scent is more closely connected to memory and nostalgia than any other sense? The warm feeling that cinnamon and clove give me happens the instant I smell it.

Candles are an obvious choice when creating a cozy atmosphere, but the store-bought kinds are frequently toxic. Who knows where they are being made and what they are putting in them? Essential oils are where you want your scent to come from. It’s best to source homemade candles from a trusted source or make your own. I also love a beautiful diffuser; there are so many cool options now!

To make your own cozy fall vibe, try one (or all) of these fall essential oil blends!

Pumpkin Spice Essential Oil Blend

Pumpkin Spice Essential Oil Blend

Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Keyword: essential oil recipe


  • 5 drops cinnamon oil
  • 4 drops ginger oil
  • 5 drops clove oil
  • 4 drops nutmeg oil

Citrus and Cinnamon Essential Oil Blend

Citrus and Cinnamon Essential Oil Blend

Total Time4 minutes
Keyword: essential oil recipe


  • 5 drops Pink grapefruit
  • 5 drops lemon
  • 5 drops lime
  • 4 drops may chang
  • 5 drops mandarin
  • 6 drops sweet orange
  • 7 drops cinnamon

Autumn Forest Essential Oil Blend

Autumn Forest Essential Oil Blend

Total Time5 minutes


  • 2 drops clove oil
  • 3 drops fir oil
  • 2 drops cinnamon oil
  • 2 drops pine oil
  • 4 drops cedarwood oil

Cozy Evening Essential Oil Blend

A cozy scene with a hot drink and a good book

Cozy Evening Essential Oil Recipe

Total Time 4 minutes


  • 1 drop cypress oil
  • 2 drops bergamot oil
  • 2 drops cinnamon oil
  • 1 drop clove oil
  • 2 drops frankincense oil
Keyword essential oil recipe

Add these blends (one at a time…) to your favorite diffuser or put them in a spritzer bottle with some witch hazel and water for an amazing room spray.

I hope you try these cozy recipes and have a wonderful autumn.